Which one would you like to choose !! I suggest going with New one.
Simply I’m saying you should go with Creating Content Assets and build trust then you can enjoy long-term benefits. That’s how you can gain long-term growth as well as push your sales graph to sky.
With this example you got the importance of Social Media Posting or you can also say Content Creation and Content Distribution.
Content Creation Tools We’re All Loving Right Now
Where can I get the content from?
This is the majority of questions received from many of the content creators. You can use many tools to get this done. some of them are:
- Competitors
- Quora
- Google auto suggest
- Google trends
- Keyword Research
- Twitter trends
- Trends in other industries which effects your industry
- Blogs
- Headline Generators
- Your Audience
The best source of content generation is your audience, they are the most important and most unconditional Co Creators. They give some content to you. I’m writing this blog because one of my interns has asked me about Why Social Media Posting is important?
I used that question as a Content generating idea and I implemented it. Here now you are reading my content which is the idea generated by my intern unconditionally, that is why I call my audience as Co Creators.
Is that so simple! Haha Content Generating ideas can be generated so simply but the problem is with writing and posting and the commitment to post consistently. There many people will fail.
You know Quora is a Q&A Platform, here people will ask some questions and industry specialists like me (Regarding Digital Marketing) will reply to them, also with some tools which can make their life easier.
This can be used in two ways, one – They got the answer, Two – You got the backlink, and you got an opportunity to go for a research on the topic Three – You have generated some content.
Is that amazing!!! As a phrase in English says “Version one is more powerful than version zero” you have already started creating some content via helping others and also giving some backlinks, which means you are doing SEO too for your company. Such a Branding and Digital Marketing strategy year.
And the other tools will do the same, you can use every idea into a market opportunity and give your best to create the content.
But the question is why to generate content?
In my perspective this is the biggest stupid question for any so-called digital marketer and even the business owner or the manager or whatever the hierarchy is.
Simple logic: Whenever we search for something on google, there will be an answer / result, from where are they getting the information? Through the kind of peoples blogs, posts, Q&A’s, updates, or any other format you name them, generally called content. Also in the bottom of any result from the SERP, says something which we call it as CTA, which means Call To Action. From here you basically get a lead. The next step is to convert them into sales or add them to your CRM.
For those reasons you need to generate content every minute. A simple exercise can even make you write a book. You know this logic?
Let’s say you have started blogging and it’s been 1 week, so you have a total of 7 blogs, assume you consistently posted for around 1 year now you have enough blogs and if those blogs are converted into chapters, wait what? Did you write the book? Haha Yes, you have a book in your hand unknowingly you wrote it.
Even you got a PR. “Bang”
You can generate this kind of content, example:
- Blogs
- E-Books
- Infographics
- Videos
- News Releases
- Survey Reports
- Industry Rankings
- Tools & Apps
- Subscription online courses
- Live Events
- Digital Summits
- Forums or Groups
- Testimonials
- Case Studies
- Sales Pages
- Sales Videos
- And A lot
In one word you should be in a loop of:
Create – Distribute – Repurpose – Feedback
You did the “C” in CATT Funnel, which stands for “Content”, So that you can get the
Attention – Trust – Transaction
Ok, let’s meet in the next context, bye now.
Start creating at least 1 content for 2 days initially, you can go with heavy flow later.
Thanks for reading, seeing, sharing, liking, commenting and whatever you do. Thanks for everything. See you soon in the next blog. Bye.
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